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“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.” | Albert Einstein Quotes
Liveology® creates uplifting content and products for abundant life. Shop our all natural bodycare, handmade products, and spiritual...

The Sun
The sun is a highly magnetic ball of burning gas at the center of our solar system made of mostly hydrogen. Information Center of our...

The Moon
One lunar month is 27.3 Earth days. One lunar month, or the time it takes the Moon to orbit around the Earth, is 27.3 Earth days. This is...

Milky Way Galaxy
Our solar system sits within the Milky Way galaxy, a small portion of which which we can see in remote areas night. The Milky way is a...

Stars are like factories, turning hydrogen and helium into heavier elements like gold. Etymology stella (Latin) - star aster (Greek) -...

You Don’t Need a Crystal Ball or Tarot Cards. All You Need is...
There are many spirit Spirits. Not all of them are the Holy Spirit - so we have to be Discerning about which spirit is giving us information

Orange Calcite
Color: Orange Uses: Sacral Chakra Flow Cleanse Energy Sexual Energy Creativity Pleasure Joy Crystals & Gemstones At-A-Glance

The hardest substance on Earth. Color Clear Birthstone April Uses Purity Love Faithfulness Order Mental Clarity Crown Chakra Crystals &...

Sapphire is a precious usually blue gemstone that is the 3rd hardest stone on earth. Color: Blue Birthstone: September Uses: Spiritual...

Rose Quartz
Attract love by holding or keeping a rose quartz stone near you. Color: Pink Uses: Heart & Love Feminine energy Fertility The beautiful...

Benefits of Argan Oil for Hair
Argan oil, often called "liquid gold," is a nutrient-rich oil praised for its benefits to hair health.

Agni is a Sanskrit word meaning fire, and it holds significant spiritual, symbolic, and physical meaning in yoga and Ayurveda.

Castile Soap
A versatile, vegetable-based soap that is traditionally made from olive oil. Castile soap is a versatile, vegetable-based soap that is...

Epsom Salt
A naturally occurring mineral compound made of magnesium sulfate that is commonly used for muscle relaxation and detoxification, Epsom...

Bentonite Green Clay
A natural clay derived from volcanic ash commonly used in bodycare to absorb oils and remove toxins.

Baaaaaaa. Also Called Meat Goat Cabrito (very young) Chevon (young) By-Products Milk Cashmere (fiber) Mohair (fiber) Leather Information...

Herbs & Vegetables
Click on your favorite plant to learn more about it. Vegetables and herbs are edible parts of plants that are typically savory or less...

Natural wellness products, uplifting apparel, and handmade items to support abundant life.
Made in the USA.
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