If you find yourself in a state of sin, simply cultivate the opposite.

Envy is the desire for what others have and is related to greed in that it comes from a belief of lack. Envy has a fundamental belief that we don't have what we need and that someone else has it. Rather than trusting God and being self-reflective, we look externally to what others are doing. This is never the way, as we can never tell how someone's inner experience is from the outside. Envy is a highly destructive emotion that can lead to putting other people down, gossip, and even aggressive action against the target of envy. The most sinister part of envy is that when people are deluded by this spirit, they find ways to justify their actions of tearing others down in order to help bring themselves up.
The opposite of envy is gratitude. One can cultivate gratitude by identifying things for which to be thankful within one's current life. In the Yoga Sutras, raga, another of the kleshas, is attachment to things in the physical world. Remember, this life is all an illusion, which the yoga tradition would call maya. Nothing is what it seems on the outside. Envy is simply being fooled by superficial and false appearances. Look deeper than the surface. Limit your vision, even if only temporarily, by eliminating social media and other things that cause you to look into the illusions portrayed by other people. Focus on making the best out of your own life.
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Peace & Pineapples!