Open your heart to love for self & others.
Sanskrit Name: Anahata
English Translation: Unstruck
Color: Green
Rules Over: Love & Relationships
Body Parts: Heart, lungs, arms, hands
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
The heart chakra is the center of the body and of the chakra system, and thus affects every other part of the body, mind, and spirit. Because this chakra rules over the heart and lungs, it is the seat of prana, or breath, which keeps us alive. This chakra begins to take us out of survival and personal willpower and extends the love we have generated toward ourselves into our relationship with others, both those traditionally close to us and even strangers.
Imbalance here can lead to poor circulation, emotional coldness and coldness in the extremities, and self-centeredness. Balance here can create openness to new people and experiences, generosity, gratitude, and empathy.