Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana is a standing fold that increases hip and the shoulder mobility.

How to:
Begin in Samasthitih. Bring the right foot into half Padmasana by bringing the outside edge of the foot into the left hip crease.
Reach the right hand behind your back to grab the right big toe or foot. If you are a beginner, have difficulty catching the foot, or have knee pain, remain standing here for 5 breaths.
If your knee feels comfortable, fold on an exhale, reaching the left hand to the outside of the left foot. Allow the head to come all the way down. Hold for 5 breaths.
After 5 breaths, straighten the arm and look up on an inhale. Remain here, and exhale.
Stand up on an inhale, keeping hold of the foot.
Exhale come back to Samasthitih.
Repeat on the left side.
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