In yoga, the internal fire that builds during practice is called Tapas.
Ashtanga ABCs Day 14 {Let Your Inner Fire Grow}
Challenge Pose: Virabhadrasana A
In yoga, the internal fire that builds during practice is called Tapas. This can be translated as literally body heat, but it’s also the internal fire of transformation.
In Ashtanga yoga, the heated room, repeated vinyasas between postures, and the intensity you bring to your personal practice come together to build your internal fire.
Over time and with sustained practice, this inner fire not only helps to eliminate toxins, but it also primes and loosens the body for deeper bodywork. This is the magic factor that is the difference between stretching and transforming your body through yoga.
Allow your tapas to build by practicing daily. Sweat and breathe strongly. Don’t run from the pose. Sink into it. This is where transformation happens.