Do not question too much, lest your head should fall off.

1. Then Gargi, the daughter of Vachaknu, questioned him. "Yajnavalkya ," said she, "if all this is pervaded by water, by what, pray, is water pervaded?" "By air, O Gargi." "By what, pray, is air pervaded?" "By the sky, O Gargi." "By what is the sky pervaded?" "By the world of the gandharvas, O Gargi." "By what is the world of the gandharvas pervaded?" "By the world of the sun, O Gargi. "By what is the world of the sun pervaded?" "By the world of the moon, O Gargi." "By what is the world of the moon pervaded?" "By the world of the stars, O Gargi." "By what is the world of the stars pervaded?" "By the world of the gods, O Gargi." "By what is the world of the gods pervaded?" "By the world of Indra, O Gargi. "By what is the world of Indra pervaded?" "By the World of Virij, O Gargi. "By what is the World of Virij pervaded?" "By the World of Hiranyagarbha, O Gargi." "By what, pray, is the World of Hiranyagarbha pervaded?" "Do not, O Gargi," said he, "question too much, lest your head should fall off. You are questioning too much about a deity about whom we should not ask too much. Do not ask too much, O Gargi." Thereupon Gargi, the daughter of Vachaknu, held her peace.
The Upanishads translated by Swami Nikhilananda
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