Visit their physical location, here in Costa Rica for a retreat or just for some solitude.
Costa Rica
The brown girl yoga tribe is a love connected family whose main goal is it heal, ascend, and maintain a high vibration, through yoga, meditation, and other self-healing modalities. We are here to share, grow, and connect with other brown people who simply want to make the world a better place starting from the inside out.
The tier of monetary exchanges is placed so that everyone can have access to the tribe and its daily offerings. The money goes into the yoga teachers that guide us, the wellness advocates that teach us, and the maintenance of the platform.
Liveology, LLC is a yoga media company sharing "More life. More yoga." Enjoy our asana library, glossary, and a wealth of free articles and videos. Read issues of Liveology Yoga Magazine in print or with a digital subscription. Follow us on Instagram and YouTube. Please tell a friend about Liveology today. Thank you for your continued and growing support.
Peace & Pineapples!