Garbha Pindasana:
Begin seated. Take the legs into padmasana or full lotus.
If full lotus is not in your practice, just cross the legs and draw them toward the chest, hugging the legs around the arms.
If the legs are in lotus, take the arms through the legs to the elbows.
Hold the face with the hands for 5 or more breaths.
Roll clockwise in a circle or forward and back, inhaling as you roll up, exhaling as you roll back. Allow 5-8 rolls to get you back to the center.

On your last roll up from Garbha Pindasana, on an inhale, lift up onto the hands and use your bandhas to stay lifted off the ground for 5 or more breaths.
Christina Mills is the founder and editor of Liveology Yoga Studios & Magazine, and a student of Ashtanga yoga. Learn more about Christina and find her contact information here.
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Peace & Pineapples!