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From HarperIman
We may have started off as mother & daughter (Cynthia on left , Kathryn on right) but along the way we became best friends and now, business partners. We are committed to making dolls of color that represent the type of dolls that we wished we had and dolls of color that we needed growing up. We are dedicated to creating dolls that reinforce to children of color how important they are, how smart they are, how beautiful they are, how talented they are and how creative they are.
It is hard to be what you cannot see. Dolls of color are underrepresented. The truth is that there weren't many choices on the market to choose from and the ones available did not accurately represent our many different skin tones and hair textures, so our children are left playing with and trying to identify with dolls that look nothing like them. Our vision is to create dolls of color that are more relatable. To go to a store or search online and not be able to find a doll that accurately represents little brown girls was extremely frustrating. There is a need that we want to fill, so that moving forward, at the very least people have a more diverse selection to choose from. We created HarperIman Dolls to provide a better representation of dolls to little girls of color and although we are still a very small business, we have set out to change this problem, one day at a time.
Our mission is to create dolls that help reinforce how beautiful our children are by providing them with positive affirmations of themselves through dolls that they can actually identify with. We hope to promote positive self-image in children. We shouldn’t be left to identify with dolls that do not share our same skin tone or texture of hair. Our dolls are meant for light imaginative play and we want little kids to be able to have dolls that look like them and share the same style as them — dolls that reflect who they are and who they want to be.
-Cynthia & Kathryn
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Peace & Pineapples!