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Hymns to Amen-Ra I

Writer's picture: Liveology Liveology

The Hidden One

Photo of Matossians Imported Egyptian Cigarette Cards from the New York Public Library


Hail to thee, Amen Ra! lord of the thrones of the two lands,

Thou who dwellest in the sanctuary of Karnak.

Bull of his mother, he who dwelleth in his fields,

Wide-ranging in the Land of the South.

Lord of the Mezau, ruler of Punt,

Prince of heaven, heir of earth,

Lord of all things that exist!

Alone in his exploits even amongst the gods,

The goodly bull of the Ennead of the gods,

Chiefest of all the gods,

Lord of truth, father of the gods,

Maker of men, creator of animals,

Lord of the things which are, maker of fruit-trees,

Maker of pasture, who causeth the cattle to live!

Image made by Ptah, youth fair of love!

The gods give praise unto him;

Maker of things below and of things above, he illuminateth the two lands:

He traverseth the sky in peace.

King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Ra the Justified, chief of the two lands.

Great one of valor, lord of awe;

Chief, making the earth in its entirety!

Nobler in thy ways than any god,

The gods rejoice in his beauties!

To him are given acclamations in the Great House,

Glorious celebrations in the House of Flame;

The gods love his odor when he cometh from Punt.

Prince of the dew, he entereth the land of the Mezau!

Fair of face, coming to the Divine Land!

The gods gather as dogs at his feet,

Even as they recognize his majesty as their lord.

Lord of fear, great one of terror,

Great of soul, lordly in manifestations,

Flourishing of offerings, maker of plenty,

Acclamations to thee, maker of the gods,

Thou who dost upraise the sky, and press down the ground!

  1. Translated by Francis Llewellyn Griffith


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Liveology is dedicated to glorifying G-d the Most High, Creator and Sustainer of all things, who goes by many names in many languages. We honor the various streams leading toward the same Source of Living Water.

We are a Black woman owned family business and hand craft most of our products ourselves in Atlanta, GA. Thank you for your continued and growing support all over the world.

Wishing you who is reading this and everyone in the world abundant life, love, joy, peace and prosperity.

© Christina V. Mills 2025

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