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Hymns to Amen-Ra III

Writer's picture: Liveology Liveology

The Hidden One

Photo of Matossians Imported Egyptian Cigarette Cards from the New York Public Library


Ra, exalted in Karnak!

Great of splendor in the House of the Obelisk

Ani, lord of the New Moon festival,

To whom are celebrated the festival of the sixth day and of the quarter month.

Liege lord, to whom Life, Prosperity, Health! lord of all the gods,

Who see him in the midst of the horizon,

Chief over the Pat and Hades,

His name is more hidden than his birth,

In his name of Amen, the hidden One.

Hail to thee who art in peace!

Lord of enlargement of heart, lordly in manifestations,

Lord of the uræus crown, with lofty double plume;

Fair of diadem, with lofty white crown!

The gods love the sight of thee,

The Sekhemt crown is established upon thy forehead.

Thy loveliness is shed abroad over the two lands;

Thy rays shine forth in the eyes of men; fair for the Pat and the Rekhyt is thy rising,

Weary are the flocks when thou art radiant.

Thy loveliness is in the southern sky, thy sweetness in the northern sky,

Thy beauties conquer hearts,

Thy loveliness maketh arms to droop,

Thy beautiful form maketh hands to fail;

Hearts faint at the sight of thee.

Sole figure, who didst make all that is!

One and only one, maker of all that are,

From whose eyes mankind issued,

By whose mouth the gods were created,

Who makest the herbage, and makest to live the cattle, goats, swine, and sheep,

The fruit-trees for the Henememt.

He maketh the life of fishes in the river,

The fowl of the air,

Giving breath to that which is in the egg;

Making the offspring of the serpent to live;

Making to live therewith the flies,

The creeping things, and the leaping things, and the like.

Making provision for the mice in their holes;

Making to live the birds in every tree,

Hail to thee, maker of all these!

One and only one, with many arms!

At night wakeful while all sleep,

Seeking good for his flock.

Amen, who *establishest all things!

Tum Horus of the horizon!

Praises be to thee in that all say,

“Acclamations to thee, for that thou outweariest thyself with us!

Obeisance to thee for that thou didst make us!”

Hail to thee, from all animals!

Acclamations to thee from every land,

To the height of heaven, to the breadth of earth,

To the depth of the great waters!

The gods bow before thy majesty,

Exalting the mighty spirit that formed them;

They rejoice at the coming of him who begat them;

They say unto thee:—“Come, come in peace!

Father of the fathers of all the gods,

Thou who dost upraise the sky and press down the ground.”

Maker of that which is, former of those which have being,

Liege lord—to whom Life, Prosperity, Health!—chief of the gods,

We adore thy mighty spirit even as thou madest us;

Who were made for thee when thou fashionedst us.

We give praises unto thee for that thou outweariest thyself with us.

Hail to thee who didst make all that is!

Lord of truth, father of the gods,

Maker of men, fashioner of animals,

Lord of corn,

Making to live the animals of the desert.

Amen, bull fair of face,

Beloved in Thebes,

Great one of splendors in the House of the Obelisk,

Twice crowned in Heliopolis,

Thou who judgest between the twain in the Great Hall!

Chief of the great Ennead of the gods,

One and only one, without his peer,

Dwelling in Thebes,

Ani in his divine Ennead,

He liveth on truth every day.

God of the horizon, Horus of the East,

Who hath made the hills that have silver, gold,

Real lapis lazuli, at his pleasure:

Gums and incense are mingled for the Mezau,

Fresh incense for thy nostrils.

Fair of face he cometh to the Mezau,

Amen Ra, lord of the throne of the two lands,

He who dwelleth in Thebes,

Ani in his sanctuary.

  1. Translated by Francis Llewellyn Griffith


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Liveology is dedicated to glorifying G-d the Most High, Creator and Sustainer of all things, who goes by many names in many languages. We honor the various streams leading toward the same Source of Living Water.

We are a Black woman owned family business and hand craft most of our products ourselves in Atlanta, GA. Thank you for your continued and growing support all over the world.

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© Christina V. Mills 2025

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