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Is This the Apocalypse? Why It's a Good Thing...for Some of Us.

Writer: Christina V. MillsChristina V. Mills

Apocalypse comes from the Greek word meaning to uncover, unveil, reveal, or come to light.

Apocalypse comes from the Greek word meaning to uncover, unveil, reveal, or come to light. The book of Revelation is named Apokalypsis in Greek and could also be called Unveiling or Uncovering. This means that the "end times" or the apocalypse is simply things that were hidden coming to light, and the light coming back in the midsts of spiritual darkness.


Peace family my name is Christina Victoria and I am back with another one. It is it's the apocalypse! ahh! No I'm serious, but you should not be afraid. I'm dead serious. Yes the apocalypse is upon us, but why you should not be afraid. Maybe there's a couple people who should be afraid, but I'll let you know what to do about it.

As always, I love you guys. Wishing you abundant life, love, joy, peace, and prosperity family but not only to you to your loved ones to your communities and even to them folk.

So um I'm laughing because the word apocalypse is such a heavy word and you know we see these movies talking about the apocalypse and you know the the end of the world and the end of the Earth and all these catastrophes that are going to happen, and if you are a Christian if you are in the Christian world, then you understand that there's quite a few of us who feel that the end times are upon us. We may be in some some point of the Book of Revelation because things that were foretold in the Bible are beginning to come to pass, which is why we feel that way. Good being called evil, evil being called good, people inventing new ways to sin, all kind of different thing, the wars in the Middle East. There's a lot of different things that are causing people to believe that we might be in the end times and so I didn't want to do this to scare you guys but to actually give you guys hope and optimism about what it actually means to be in the apocalypse and by going into just what the meaning of the word is.

The Book of Revelation, if you're not familiar with it, is the last book of the Bible. It's the last book of the the gospel of the New Testament, and it's written by a man named John about a vision that he had where he was seeing Jesus our Christ, who's also called the Messiah, the person who foretold by the Jews to be the Messiah, the Savior. He had a vision of Jesus and he was giving given information about all the different churches about the Believers what's going to happen at these end times and so this isn't a story meant to scare us it's meant to help us and give us hope and to let us know what's going to happen as these things come to pass so that we're not unprepared.

So this isn't to scare you guys all but the word revelation really comes from the word apocalypsis which is a Greek word. All of the New Testament was written in Greek and the Book of Revelation was written in Greek. The word revelation actually comes from the word apocalypsis which means uncovering unveiling revealing or Revelation and so the word revelation that we call that book it could also be called unveiling or it could also be called uncovering it could also be called bringing things to life and so when we look at this year in particular, and I'm not trying to I'm not trying to hurt anybody's feelings, but when we see things like Diddy and certain pastors, things are coming to light that that have been hidden and this has been something that's been happening, that's been coming on - it's not just in 2024 - it's something that's been happening over the past couple of years and I believe it will continue to happen. This is a great uncovering. There was a covering, an illusion that we were all living under. The wool was pulled over our eyes in some ways and there are some people who who enjoyed that, some people who like to live in the shadows, who who liked pulling the wool over people's eyes because that allowed them to operate in secret and in hiding. What's happening is these things are being revealed.

The word of God says,

For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known. 3 Therefore whatever you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have spoken in the ear in inner rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops. (Luke 12: 2-3)

And so all that's happening is the light has come the light is coming back to us. For whatever reason, we were in kind of like a not a dark ages you know we have all this technology, but we've been in a spiritual dark ages, a spiritual Darkness where we've begun to think as humans that our our Earthly power our ability to make things supersedes God and all that's happening is that God is letting us know that no, God is who God is, the I Am that I Am. The Light of God is real and there's nothing that we can do about it there's no power there's no human there's no money that can supersede God's abilities and God's power, and so all that's happening with the apocalypse is that that which has been hidden is coming to light.

That's why we're seeing this Mass Awakening across the world of people coming to Enlightenment on different ways coming to truth coming to understanding and it's not just one person it's many of us at once coming to understanding of things. Those people who've been acting in the shadows and doing you know secret dealings and doing things in the in the back rooms in the dark rooms and then playing something different the light are being revealed. That's why these pastors are getting exposed because they thought that they could live a double life live one way over here but live this way over here, and everything is coming together. There's no there's no this and that it's everything is coming together as one, which is why in this time authenticity is king. Authenticity is king just being yourself is King being true to yourself being honest being open is king right now.

Believers, this is why you don't have to be afraid.

“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5: 14-16)

And so this is what you have to understand. When you are a person of the light, this is a good this is a good thing, the apocalypse is actually awesome. If you are a person of the light, if you love God, and if you have and if you have turned your turned away from your wickedness and prayed and ask God to heal anything that's been hidden, heal anything that's been negative and bad in your life, it will be done for you, and you will be a person of the light. We ask for love and light to abound.

When you live in the light and you let your light shine, the apocalypse is great because all we're doing is coming into the light that's all that's happening, but if you are someone who has been living in the darkness and has been living a double life and lying and deceiving and doing things like that, yeah this is going to be really really scary for you, but there's always good news. You can always turn your face back to God and come into the light and there's an opportunity for everyone. Everyone will have the opportunity to come into the light. Everyone will have multiple opportunities. The problem is that some people want to live in their own power and their own belief in their own selves and they refuse to bow down to God the Most High and so those are the people that are going to be real scared but they also have a chance to turn around.

This is actually an optimistic message that the apocalypse is a good thing. All it is is everything coming to light everything that was hidden being unveiled, being uncovered, and when you live in the light, when you bask in the light, that is a good thing. And so this is just encouragement for anyone who has not yet the light to really seek God's face and to think about if you've been living in the darkness how do you come into the light and it's actually easier than you might think.

As always I love you guys I thank you so much for watching my videos and for um as I give you well wishes for giving well wishes back to me I I appreciate you all so much if you're here please make sure to just say Hello by just leaving a comment even if it's a little hand wavy Emoji I'm just to let me know that you were here as always I wish that you would have a happy and healed truly miraculous day and I will see you on the next one.



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Liveology is dedicated to glorifying God the Most High, Creator and Sustainer of all things, who goes by many names in many languages. 

We hand craft most of our products ourselves in Atlanta, GA. Thank you for your continued and growing support all over the world.

Wishing you who is reading this and everyone in the world abundant life, love, joy, peace and prosperity.

© Christina V. Mills 2025

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