Janu Sirsasana C is a challenging poses that increases flexibility in the feet and hips. Be careful in this pose to only go as far as the knee feels comfortable and painless.
Sanskrit Name: Janu Sirsasana
English Translation: Head to Knee Posture
Janu - Knee
Sirsa - Head
Asana - Posture
How to:
Begin seated in Dandasana.
Leave the left leg extended and use the hands to place the toes of the right food down onto the floor with the heel up and the sole of the foot touching the left inner thigh. At first, it can be difficult to put the foot into this position, so do the best that you can without forcing.
Hold the left foot with both hands. If binding, make the right hand into a fist and hold with the left hand. Exhale as you fold keeping your eyes on the big toe of the left foot.
Hold for 5 breaths.
Inhale as you come up. Continue to hold the foot as you exhale.
Repeat on the left side.