How to:
Begin in Dandasana
Place the left leg in half lotus, descending the entire side of the thigh to the floor. Place the right foot on the ground with the knee up.
Twist the torso to the right, internally rotating and reaching the left arm on the outside of the right knee. Meet the left hand with the right behind the back.
Hold for 5 breaths.
Unwind yourself and repeat on the other side.
Many people have difficulty binding the arms or getting the leg into lotus when they first come to this pose. If the arms are close to binding, grab a towel and hold it between the hands. If the arms seem far from binding, simply twist from the torsor and use the arm on the outside of the knee.
If you try to place the leg in lotus and the knee is far off the ground, and there is tightness in the hip, simply place the foot on the floor instead. If you feel any pain in the knee, take the leg out of lotus immediately. Be careful as pushing in this posture can injure the knee.
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Peace & Pineapples!