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Mind Over Matter: The Heart and Soul of Liberation | The Liberation Issue

Writer's picture: Rev. Clara T. MillsRev. Clara T. Mills

Liberation is rooted not in legislation, (though protecting the rights of all through legislation is important) rather, liberation is rooted in the mind of the individual.

I contend that our greatest resource is our mind!

Our ability to rise above challenges and transform obstacles into opportunities is rooted in our thinking. Two individuals may indeed experience almost identical hardships and come out of those hardships differently, based on their mindsets.

The story is told of the process animal trainers employ to condition an elephant into believing that despite its massive weight, size, and strength a small rope can prevent it from roaming free. When the elephant is just a baby, that baby elephant is tied to a post by a rope attached to just one of its legs. Each time the baby elephant attempts to move beyond its stationed post, it is unable to break free, because it is a baby. Over time, even though the elephant is fully grown, weighing about 2,000 pounds, and capable of uprooting even the tree that holds the rope, that elephant has accepted that the rope is stronger than he is and so he doesn’t even attempt to break free.

Liberation is rooted in the mind, in the thinking. It is not our circumstances that keep us caged rather it is our perception about those circumstances that form the invisible bars impeding our living life to the fullest. Too often we accept others realities about who we are and where we ought to go and what we ought to do and those realities from others shape and guide not only how we view ourselves and live our lives, but also order our steps. Too often we are“unconsciously” held hostage by others perceptions and realities. A prime example of this is the conditioning process employed by many in positions of power to subjugate those deemed a threat or those who are not swayed by power or position. It is possible to respect positions of authority and yet not be the puppet of those in positions of power.

It is our thinking that enables us to achieve success despite circumstances and conditions in life. Stevie Wonder is blind and yet he masters the keyboard. Albert Einstein did not speak the first few years of his life and although he made good grades in elementary school, was perceived as lazy and “living in the clouds.” Many assumed he was too distracted by abstract ideas to achieve any degree of success in life. Wilma Rudolph, an olympic champion and considered “one of the greatest athletes of the 20th century” was told she would not walk again because she experienced bouts of polio and scarlet fever. Les Brown, one of my most cherished motivational speakers and trainers, was labeled “educable mentally retarded” and yet he became a world renowned motivational speaker, authored several books and amassed millions. The list is endless of individuals mislabeled by others based on others’ realities, who went on to achieve success, inspire others, and live lives to the fullest.

Liberation is rooted not in legislation, rather, liberation is rooted in the mind of the individual.

Liberation is rooted not in legislation, (though protecting the rights of all through legislation is important) rather, liberation is rooted in the mind of the individual. Viktor Frankl who was imprisoned in Nazi concentration camps, writes, “Everything can be taken from a man (or woman) but one thing: the last of the human freedoms-to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

There are many things over which we have absolutely no control. We cannot orchestrate the weather or the behaviors of others. There are circumstances we experience which are blatant acts of injustice, inequity, and disrespect. There are times when we are truly victims; victims of others' insecurities, fears, jealousies and labels.

May the actions of others never become the chains that define who we are and shape our destiny. We always have the power to choose our attitude, our self identity, and our response. And it is the ability to choose our attitudes and responses that enables us to be truly liberated. and. In Ryan Holidays’ book, The Obstacle is the Way, he writes “in every situation, that which blocks our path actually presents a new path with a new part of us”.

Liberation is a process which is facilitated when we give up mindless living and begin “paying attention to what we are paying attention to. What are we feeding our minds? Liberation is possible only when we live intentionally, and pay attention to the voices shaping our self perceptions and consequently designing our lives. The television shows we watch regularly, social media, marketing strategies, the books we read, the music we listen to, even our regular conversations with co-workers, neighbors and family feed and influence our thinking. To be truly free and liberated we must be deliberate about what we are feeding our minds.

I close with the William Ernest Henley’s poem Invictus:

Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud,

Under the bludgeonings of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how straight the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate,

I am the captain of my soul.


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Peace & Pineapples!


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