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Prasarita Padottanasana | Wide Legged Standing Foward Fold

Writer's picture: Christina V. MillsChristina V. Mills

3 Versions of Prasarita Padottanasana
Photo by Galen Coles


Sanskrit Name: Prasarita Padottanasana

English Translation: Intense Wide Legged Posture

Drishti: Nose

Prasarita - Wide

Pada - Foot

Ut - Intense

Asana - Posture

How to:

A Version

  • Begin with the feet wide and parallel or turned in slightly.

  • On an inhale, hold the waist.

  • Exhale, place the hands on the floor in line with the feet or farther back.

  • Inhale, straighten the arms look up.

  • Fold in on an exhale, allowing the elbows to bend and placing top of head toward the floor.

  • Hold for 5 breaths.

  • Inhale, keep the hands on the floor and look up. Hold here and exhale.

  • Stand up and bring the hands to the waist on an inhale. Exhale.

B Version

  • Inhale, open the arms wide. Exhale and bring. the hands to the waist.

  • Inhale, lift the chest. Fold on an exhale.

  • Hold for 5 breaths.

  • Come all the way upon an inhale. Keep hold of the waist as you exhale.

C Version

  • Inhale, open the arms wide. Exhale and clasp the fingers behind the back, keeping the heels of the palms together.

  • Inhale, lift the chest. Fold on an exhale reaching the hands to the floor.

  • Hold for 5 breaths.

  • Come all the way upon an inhale. Keep the hands clasped as you exhale.

D Version

  • On an inhale, hold the waist.

  • Exhale and hold the big toes, connecting the thumb to the first two fingers.

  • Hold for 5 breaths.

  • Inhale, straighten the arms look up.

  • Fold in on an exhale, allowing the elbows to bend and placing top of head toward the floor.

  • Inhale, straighten the arms and look up. Hold here and exhale.

  • Stand up and bring the hands to the waist on an inhale. Exhale come back to Samasthitih.


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