Samasthitih is point 0. Samasthitih allows you to find your center at the start of practice and between standing postures.

Samasthitih, or equal standing posture, is a grounding and stabilizing posture that allows you to find your center, your inner strength. In Ashtanga yoga, Samasthitih is point 0, both the first posture we start with and the place we return to between postures for the body to reset come back to neutral alignment.
Sanskrit Name: Samasthitih
English Translation: Equal Standing Posture
How to:
Stand with the feet together and hands by the sides. Ground through the feet while you lengthen upward through the crown of the head.
Check that the pelvis is neutral.
Check that the ears are directly over the shoulders, pulling the chin back slightly if needed.
The gaze should be toward the nose
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