Your life was custom designed for you.

Sun in Taurus
Full Moon in Scorpio
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Monday, May 16, 2021
Finding alignment with your purpose or your own personal lane is everything. I spent over 30 years flailing around doing different things, random unfulfilling jobs, plagued with anxiety, fear, and insecurity. And then I found yoga and over time it has helped me to find myself. My true self.
Your life was custom designed for you. The divine wants you to break through fear, doubt, and negative emotions so you can access the life of your dreams. In your personal place of alignment there is no insecurity, no jealousy, no searching for love or validation outside of yourself because you have found yourself. Everything you desire flows from this alignment with your truth and your purpose.
So how to find this alignment? Yoga is one path, but the longer I practice and teach yoga I realize there are many paths. Ultimately, I think, it comes from just sitting tf down and tapping in. Quieting the mind. Allowing all distractions, repetitive thoughts, assumptions, expectations, and opinions of others to disappear. And when that happens you can see clearly who you are and what your perfectly designed path is.
All those things you fantasize about (all the “I wish I could” or “if I only had…” or the “I may look like this right now, but I’m really that”) are visions of something very real. If you see visions of a Maserati, congratulations! If you see yourself having a multi-million dollar business, that’s awesome! You cannot help your path. It is what it is. Believe with wild fervor that they exist and let that level of belief (that may look insane to non-believers) carry you right to it.
On Sunday, I had the joy of teaching my friends at Fan Controlled Football before hitting the road to Miami to study with my teachers Kino MacGregor and Tim Feldmann at Miami Life Center. I drove all day, through a thunderstorm and arrived much later than expected. The moment I parked outside of the Airbnb, my phone went off notifying me the full moon and lunar eclipse was at its peak. This, to me is the perfection of alignment.🌝
Praying that you live the life of your wildest dreams, which is simply a life of alignment. When you find it, things seem to flow perfectly. It doesn't meant that there won't be problems or obstacles - life is what it is. But look for the seamlessness. Look for the ways things line up. This is how you know when you are in the sweet spot. Find it and stay there.
Love you, family!
Peace & Pineapples.
Liveology, LLC is a yoga media company creating uplifting content for your whole life. Subscribe! Our subscriptions provide access to our full online library as well as access to digital issues of Liveology Yoga Magazine. Make sure to follow us on Instagram and YouTube! Sharing is caring. Thank you for your continued and growing support.
Peace & Pineapples!