The Kleshas are...
II.3 The kleshas are avidha (ignorance), asmita (ego), raga (attachment), dvesha (aversion), abhinivesha (clinging to life).
4 Avidya (ignorance) is the field in which the other kleshas grow, whether they be dormant, weak, or fully activated.
5 Avidya (ignorance) misinterprets the non-self, which is the temporary, impure, and subject to suffering to be the Self, which is pure, eternal, and joyful,
6 Ego misinterprets the seer and the power of sight as the same thing.
7 Attachment comes from positive experiences.
8 Aversion comes from experiences of suffering.
9 Clinging to life (or fear of death) pervades even the wise.
10 When the kleshas are eliminated, the mind returns to its original state.
11 Meditation eliminates these fluctuating states of mind.
12 The kleshas are the root of the karmic actions built up from current and unsen births.
13 As long as that root exists, it bears fruit in the form of birth, life span, and experiences.
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