Book IV - Kaivalya - Total Liberation
The Mind Colored by the Seer and the Seen, Understands Everything
IV.23 The mind, colored by the seer and the seen, understands everything.
24 Even with the mind's desires, it remains in existence for the sake of another because it is together by another.
25 One who sees the distinction between the seer and the self ceases meditation on the nature of the self.
26 Then the mind, inclined toward discrimination, gravitates toward liberation.
27 In the meantime, thoughts may arise due to latent impressions.
28 Remove them in the same way as described for the kleshas.
29 Even in the attainment of the highest reward, remain in discriminative discernment, in dharma-megha, a cloud of virtue.
30 From that, all kleshas (impediments) and karmas cease.
31 Then all the coverings and impurities to knowledge. are totally removed and there is almost nothing that cannot be known.
32 Then the gunas cease their ongoing transformation because their purpose has been completed.
33 The progression of moments can only be recognized at the end of their transformations.
34 Ultimate liberation is when the gunas, having completed their purpose for the purusha, are recycled into prakriti. The power of pure consciousness rests in its own true nature.
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