Book IV - Kaivalya - Total Liberation
The Past, Present, and Future have the Nature of the Gunas
IV.12 The past and future exist in this reality because the path differs in the characteristics.
IV.13 The past, present, and future are manifest, having the nature of the gunas.
IV.14 The reality of things comes from the unity in transformation.
IV.15 An object, while remaining the same, there are many different perceptions because of the difference between the object and the mind.
IV.16 An object is not dependent upon a single mind, for if that one mind does not perceive it, then what happens to it?
IV.17 Whether an object is perceived or not perceived is colored by characteristics of the mind.
IV.18 The fluctuations of the mind are always apparent to its master because the purusha is unchanging.
IV.19 The mind is not self illuminating because of its nature of perception.
IV.20 The mind cannot perceive the subject. and object at once.
IV.21 When another mind is seem, there is an infinite number of intelligence being known by other intelligence, and a mixing of memory.
IV.22 Upon assuming the reflection of. the unchanging consciousness, one's own intelligence becomes conscious.
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