Place the right food on the left thigh and the left foot on the right thigh, crossing the hands behind the back holding the big toes.
Chapter I
I.44 Padmasana - Place the right food on the left thigh and the left foot on the right thigh, crossing the hands behind the back holding the big toes. Place the shin on the chest and gaze at the tip of the nose. Padmasana destroys disease in those with self-restraint.
45 Another way to practice Padmasana - Place both feet soles up on opposite thighs with both palms facing upward on the thighs.
46 Gaze at the tip of the nose, placing the tongue at the roof of the mouth. Place the chin on the chest and engage mula bandha.
47 Padmasana destroys all diseases though it is difficult for most people to attain and can only be attained by the wise.
48 Taking padmasana, place one palm over the other with the chin to the chest. Meditate on God while repeatedly drawing the prana upward and downward. The power of kundalini brings unparalleled insight.
49 By sitting in padmasana and steadying the breath through the nadis, the yogi attains freedom. Of this, there is no doubt.
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Peace & Pineapples!