Sweet like cinnamon rolls.
Sun in Taurus
Waxing Gibbous Moon in Leo
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Go down the unknown path.
Something in the air smells sweet like warm cinnamon rolls. And we're following the scent.
Today, spirit is encouraging us to follow the sweet but unknown path. If you're just now feeling a shift in your consciousness and aren't quite sure where this is going, go. How do you know? Because you can smell the sweet scent guiding you.
On the path, there will be many opportunities or distractions along the way. Many of them appear to be things that you want or seem good, but once you investigate, you sometimes find that these opportunities or distractions are not really for your benefit and that they're really just diversions taking you away from your path.
You can tell by the scent whether something is ultimately a distraction, and you know this by taking a moment to pause, slow your breathing, and really take in the essence of everything that is going on. Is a situation or person helping you to progress along your path, are they providing rest or fun, or are they gently nudging you away from your intended focus?
Even if something is pleasant or seems nice or fun, doesn't mean that it's yours or on your path. Taking a moment to tell the difference is so beneficial because those things that are just off the path are never as wonderful or fruitful as the things that are totally aligned, so it's better just to stay the course and wait for the real thing.
So keep following the sweet path that leads to the desires of your heart, and ignore the distractions by the wayside.
We are excited to be growing into a monthly print magazine with the first issue being released for June 2021. We are a black woman owned company, rooted in Ashtanga yoga, based in ATL, devoted to uplifting people of color. Tell a friend about what we're doing at Liveology today!
Love you, family!
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