Habari Gani is a Swahili term that means, "What is the news" or "What's the Word?"
Kwanzaa is an annual celebration originated by Maulana Karenga. Kwanzaa is celebrated December 26-January 1 and is popular among Black Americans. Habari Gani is a Swahili term that means, "What's the news" or "What's the Word?"
During the 7 days of Kwanzaa celebrations, Habari Gani is a question posed every day in a call and response. The answer for each day is one of the 7 principles of Kwanzaa.
Nguzo Saba | The 7 Principles of Kwanzaa
Kinara - Candleholder
Mishumaa Saba - The 7 Candles
Kikomba cha Umoja - The Unity Cup
Zawadi - Gifts
Mazao - Crops
Mahindi - Corn
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