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Writer's pictureChristina V. Mills

You Don’t Need a Crystal Ball or Tarot Cards. All You Need is...

There are many spirit Spirits, family. Not all of them are the Holy Spirit - so we have to be Discerning and very clear about which spirit is giving us information.

You don't need a magic 8 ball, a crystal ball, or tarot cards in order to discern wisdom from "the universe." All you need is to pray to God. It's literally that simple. The problem is many people aren't willing to humble themselves and bow down to God the Most High, the infinite intelligence that created the universe and ourselves in prayer.


Peace, family my name is Christina Victoria and the word of the day is: you do not need a magic eight ball family. You do not need a crystal ball. You do not need tarot cards. All you need - it's so simple, it's so simple some of y'all can't catch it. All you need is to pray. I know I know I know I know I know it sounds so difficult. Y'all want to do every single other thing under the sun except for pray but I'm here to tell somebody that you don't need all of that okay. All of that is extraneous, unnecessary and all you really need to get wisdom to tap in I promise you is to pray and to sit quietly. I'm going to just walk through these steps real quick.

But before I get into this as always I love you guys wishing you abundant life, love, joy, peace, and prosperity family but not only to you to your loved ones to your communities and even to them folk. And with that let's get into this one.

There are many spirit Spirits, family. There are many spirits. Not all of them are the Holy Spirit - so we have to be Discerning and very clear about which spirit is giving us information.

So I like to watch a lot of YouTubers. Obviously I do YouTube, I like to watch YouTube, and I like to watch different people who do positive inspirational messages, Christian stuff, different type of people, and I saw one in particular who I was enjoying her message to some degree and you always have to test the spirit. You have to test the spirit because listen. There are many spirit Spirits, family. There are many spirits. Not all of them are the Holy Spirit - there are many and so we have to be Discerning and very clear about which spirit is giving us information, in which Spirit we are we are trying to communicate with. And so I'm watching somebody. She's sitting in her car doing a talk you know similar to the way I do it and then she said something about some type of tarot card that she pulled and then whatever that's supposed to mean and I immediately just clicked off of it. Yeah this is not someone I need to be listening to because here's the thing.

I'm not talking about this as like these people are evil, bad. I'm talking about this as as a way to really understand how to discern spirits and how to talk to God yourself. There there's nothing mystical or magical about it. It's truly not. I am not a prophet. I'm not a psychic. I am not any of these things. I pray, and it's really that simple.

So whenever you see somebody and they're like, "I pulled a card and it was the so and so of Swords or whatever and it means this, and I looked in my little book and it told me like this is what this means," what that means is that that person is not in touch with God the Most High it's that simple.

When you sit and pray, you are simply consulting with the highest possible Consciousness, the Creator of all things, the wisdom behind science and mathematics, the most powerful possible Computer.

A lot of people think of God just of the Bible and they think it's like this weird mystical thing that they can't access on their own okay, but like understand all I'm talking about is the infinite wisdom of the universe, the infinite wisdom regardless of whether you believe in god of the Bible or whatever. You have to understand that something created this. Something had the the the wisdom to create mathematics and physics and chemistry, and so the infinite wisdom that created yourself and all things, that created you know the the matrix within which we live, the air that we breathe, that thing whatever you want to call that I call that God the Most High you know has knowledge and awareness of all things. You could think of it as a computer or as a Consciousness, whatever, the highest most possible Consciousness, the most powerful possible computer when you sit and pray you are simply consulting with that and it's amazingly simple y'all it's amazingly simple. It's deceptively simple.

And I think we like to complicate things in our humanness, to try to think we have to do this or do that to try to get information. Y'all let me tell you if you didn't catch it already. All you have to do is - Look you don't need a magic eight ball you don't need to be like should I do this and then shake the ball and then it'll be like come back later and then you shake the ball and you just keep shaking it until you get the answer you want. It's not like that y'all all you do is just sit quietly and ask God what should I do? Give me clarity of mind. Give me wisdom. Tell me which direction should I go. Should I go this way or should I go that way? And it's like literally that simple and then you ask your questions and you sit in the quietness.

Ask God, "what should I do? Give me clarity of mind. Give me wisdom. Tell me which direction should I go. Should I go this way or should I go that way?"

You sit in the quietness and you might have to sit in the quietness for a few minutes. You might not get your answer immediately right, but in time you will get a very clear answer that will say go this way or go that way. You don't need a crystal ball. You don't need to do any weird divination. You don't need tarot cards, like come on family. Y'all don't need to do all of that, and y'all need to stop consulting people who do that, because you don't know what energy they're coming out of, and as I said if someone is feeling the need to do all of that to find information, that literally means they're unable to consult God the Most High for whatever reason. There's a barrier that's preventing them either in their ego or in their pride or in their feeling of their own power that they refuse to bow down to God and ask God for information and so it's just not benef beneficial to any of us to consult with with people like that when all you need to do is pray yourself family. It's literally that simple.

And so God put this on my heart to just show y'all you don't need a crystal ball, you don't need a magic eight ball you don't need cards or any of that. All you need to do is come to God humbly approach the throne of God in prayer and ask what it is that you want. And so I just have this one quick scripture I wanted to read to you all it's from Matthew 7:7-8.

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened."

And so like it's not like a maybe I'll get my answer and I have to take it into my own hands until then no 100% you will get your answer and God will listen to you and God will response to you and give you what you need and it's literally that simple

And so as always, I love you guys. Thank you all for watching. I hope that you have a happy and healed, miraculous day. Please make sure to comment something, even if it's just a hello just to let me know that you were here, and as always, I love you guys and I will see you on the next one.



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Peace & Love!

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Christina V. Mills
Christina V. Mills
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