The Yogi's Mastery Extends to the Totality of Matter | The Yoga Sutras | Book I 40-50
I.40 From the largest to the smallest particle, the yogi's mastery extends to the totality of matter. 41 When free of the vrittis, the...
It is the process of letting go of all action, all thoughts, and finding a place of deep relaxation, inner peace, and receptivity to the Divine.
Meditation can be deceptively difficult. It is easy to get sleepy or wander into monkey mind, where the mind races uncontrolled from thought to thought. But over time, it becomes increasingly possible to find a clear and equanimous mind, totally alert yet totally relaxed and free of the unconscious fluctuations that often plague most of our minds.
Once one has been settled for at least 20 minutes, science has found that the mind enters into a deeply peaceful and positive alpha brain wave state. Here the heart and mind are clear and primed to hear from God and to offer prayers and well-wishes.